Sao Tome and Principe
São Tomé and Príncipe, an island archipelago is located in the Gulf of Guinea, more specifically close to the equator, about 300 km from the west African coast, at a latitude of 0⁰20.1924'N and a longitude of 6⁰43.6392'E. The island of Principe is located 150 km from the island of Sao Tome.

The archipelago is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean and inserted in the tectonic depression of the Cameroon volcanic line.

The archipelago has a hot and humid equatorial climate, with annual temperatures ranging between 22⁰C and 31⁰C, (the temperature range is minimal: 11⁰C). In this country there are only two seasons of the year: the rainy season, October-May, which is when it is hotter and rains more and the sea reaches temperatures of around 28⁰C; and the Gravana season, June-September, when the weather is drier, there is less rainfall, less heat and humidity and the sea temperature drops to 24⁰C.
São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) has a great diversity of fauna and flora. In addition to native species, there are species in the archipelago that were introduced over the last 500 years from different places. The country has 65 species of birds (25 very rare endemic), 16 species of reptiles (7 endemic) and 9 species of amphibians (all endemic). 105 species of fish were identified in the waters of STP. In addition, there is a wide variety of cetaceans.
The flora of São Tomé and Prínce in the northern regions of the country is characterized by typical African savannah vegetation, as a result of the drier climate that affects this region of the archipelago. Currently, in Sao Tome and Principe, there are two large national parks, at the top of the mountains: the Obô Natural Park, on the island of Sao Tome, and the Principe National Park (biosphere reserves). It should be noted that there are also two reserves: Natural Reserve of Tinhosas islands and Natural Reserve of Rolas Islet (on the Rolas Islet, where the Equator officially passes).

Our country has a record of 895 plant species, of which 400 are endemic.
With regard to economic activity, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 5.2% in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular relevance in trade and tourism (according to the survey report to companies of the Central Bank of Sao Tome and Prince).
The percentage of GDP in the primary sector is 13.9%, in the secondary sector 11.7% and in the tertiary sector 80.2%, according to the National Statistics Institute.

Fonte: Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE)
2021 data, based on recent World Bank estimates, about a third of the population live on less than US$1.90 a day, below the international poverty line, and more than two-thirds of the population are poor, using the highest poverty line in the World Bank, of US$3.20 per day.
Official presentation of São Tomé at expo Dubai :
Pictures of São Tomé and Príncipe: