Species Sustainability
Sustainability is a concept related to the conservation or maintenance of a long-term scenario, in order to deal well with possible threats.
The sustainability of the whale shark is an issue of extreme importance for the conservation of marine biodiversity. This species is considered an indicator of the health of the oceans since its presence is directly related to the availability of plankton and the quality of the marine environment.
Although the whale shark is considered one of the largest fish species, it is on the verge of extinction.
Fishing for meat, oil, fins, pollution through fuel, and even trampling triggers the threat of shark extinction.
Its predators besides man are also white sharks, tiger sharks and orcas when they are still young and smaller.
To ensure the sustainability of the whale shark, it is essential to adopt measures to protect the species from fishing, sale and export for commercial purposes; these measures are: restriction on fishing, protection of reproduction areas, monitoring of the population and awareness of our society.
In conclusion, the whale shark, being an endangered species, depends on the awareness and effort of the whole society in the conservation of the marine environment.